One of Dad's Favorites

My father is doing much better, still confused because of morphine...he asked them not to give it to him on Thursday night, the dr said dad's pain level was too high and he wanted dad to rest and have relief from pain. The men in my dad's family all have a thing about taking narcotics (I will now admit I asked for a non narcotic pain reliever after surgery and only took 2 out of 90 pills.) and any medication which might be addictive.

We still have great hope he will be home Tuesday or Wednesday.

I am posting one of dad's favorite songs as a link because for some reason I cannot get it to post as a regular video. I would like to say Youtube is having technical difficulties, but I think I am the one with the problem.

Join me in singing...How Great Is Our God...

Thanks to all of ya'll who have held us up in prayer, know we worship with you in our hearts tomorrow.


annette said…
I am so thankful to hear your dad is doing much better. You remain in my prayers. I am singing with you--How Great is Our God! Love, Annette
Linda said…
Glad to hear your Dad is doing better Annette. I understand how he feels about taking the morphine, but I do think our bodies heal more quickly when we can really rest.
Praying he will be home soon.
luvmy4sons said…
So so glad your dad is doign better! Yea! Thank You Jesus. How great is our God. Tell your dad I am singing with him! LOL!
connie said…
You and your Dad is in my prayers, I love that song we sang today in Church...
Wendy said…
I am happy your Dad is doing so well. I hope you can bring him home soon.

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