Revised Church of Oprah

Oprah's belief system is anything but Christian...


Steph said…
I saw this!...Very scary! I especially love the part when she "discovers" that God is jealous of her. How very insightful of her!

Sarcasm aside, it hurts my heart to think how many Christian women are watching this and integrating what Oprah says with what they believe about God.

Satan just likes to veer us a little to the right or the left, doesn't he?
Abba's Girl said…
Steph, Many times satan veers us just 1 step away from God and other times it is huge...

The jealous remark almost knocked me to the floor, I was shocked...the next one that hurt my heart was creating God in our image...totally many I, I, I's in the message, like when satan was cast out of heaven...

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