Healing Weekend

I am off to Lufkin to be a prayer minister at an Order of St Luke prayer conference. This will be my 3rd trip to Lufkin in the last 3 or 4 years as a prayer minister, I am looking forward to seeing what the Lord has done up there.

Norma Dearing will be the speaker. She is a powerful woman of God, a gifted author, and a radio host. Her program The Healing Touch is nationally syndicated. I listen to the show on the Net, the next day. It airs 11p to 1a Central Time Sun through Thurs.

So many hurting people call for prayer and then call again with praise reports. I cry one minute and praise the Lord the next minute.

People say it takes a lot of guts to believe for healing. I know what they mean, but it's not true because believe me, it is all Jesus. He does the healing, we do the praying. We stand on covenant promises and His Word.

By His stripes we are healed, not by my stripes. The Lord God Almighty has the same resurrection power today He had when He raised our beloved Redeemer from the tomb. Call on Him, He's never too busy or too tired.

One of my favorite Bible passages is about John reclining at the table next to Jesus, can you imagine reclining with Jesus. I think if we reclined more with Jesus we would be physically, spiritually, and mentally much more whole because we would practice His presence in the words of Brother Lawrence.

Take some time this weekend and recline with Jesus.


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