Thinking Back - 1986
I was telling a friend a story about the time my husband accompanied me to the Indianapolis 500, my dad had gone up a day early to spend extra time with his brother and sister-in-law and eat a few extra White Castle burgers. I never acquired a taste for them. The race was rained out that weekend. My dad flew back to Indianapolis several days later to attend it. I could not afford a second trip up there so I grudgingly gave my tickets to my cousin who lived within driving distance of Indianapolis. He would enjoy the race with my aunt and uncle (his parents) and my dad. He thought it was very nice of me to give him the tickets. On the surface, it looked nice but in my heart, I was still trying to figure out a way to afford another airplane ticket for me - not my husband and me - just me to Indianapolis. I, of course, would stay with my aunt and uncle for free. I am sure I was a little huffy as I sat in southeast Texas watching the race on TV while my cousin sat in "my seat"....