
Showing posts from May, 2019

Thinking Back - 1986

I was telling a friend a story about the time my husband accompanied me to the Indianapolis 500, my dad had gone up a day early to spend extra time with his brother and sister-in-law and eat a few extra White Castle burgers. I never acquired a taste for them. The race was rained out that weekend. My dad flew back to Indianapolis several days later to attend it. I could not afford a second trip up there so I grudgingly gave my tickets to my cousin who lived within driving distance of Indianapolis. He would enjoy the race with my aunt and uncle (his parents) and my dad. He thought it was very nice of me to give him the tickets. On the surface, it looked nice but in my heart, I was still trying to figure out a way to afford another airplane ticket for me - not my husband and me - just me to Indianapolis. I, of course, would stay with my aunt and uncle for free.  I am sure I was a little huffy as I sat in southeast Texas watching the race on TV while my cousin sat in "my seat"....

Memorial Weekend 2019

I had a stressful day yesterday beginning with driving in Houston's morning rush hour traffic. I commuted for years and was used to it. Now that I no longer commute Monday-Friday, I try to avoid rush hour like the plague because it causes stress. Last night I settled in to watch Dateline at 9pm and promptly fell asleep, I have no idea who did what to whom. I woke up this morning and thought it's probably 6am, get up and get going, I started the coffee, unloaded the dishwasher, turned around and looked at the clock, it was 4:47am!!! The big decision, go back to bed, because - I am not a morning person, or enjoy the peace and quiet accompanied by coffee? I enjoyed the peace and quiet and currently drinking my 3rd and last cup of coffee. This weekend means sales, Bar B Que's, and school dismissal for many people. For others, it is a sad weekend because their loved one sacrificed all for the USA. Let us remember the fallen. Let us pray for their loved ones. Instead of gripi...

Small World

Over the decade I was a caretaker, the size of my world decreased. As my mother declined more and more she could not be around many people. Holiday meals were an average size of 12 after my father died, then decreased to 8, then 6, and finally 3. If a relative wanted to visit with my mother I would remind them not to bring the whole family, no more than 2 people or she would short-circuit and it would take 5 to 7 days for her to be calm once more even though she did not remember the visit.  My world shrank. Less contact in person with extended family, with friends, with strangers at the store because I began curbside pickup most days so I did not have to get my mother out of the house for an hour or 2 if it was a bad day and to save time. One a good day she would ride with me for the grocery pickup and we'd stop at her favorite drive-through fast food restaurant for lemonade on the way home. I never realized how quiet my world was until it wasn't. I've been to visit my ...

Bless this Mess?

Over the years I worked and was my mother's caretaker, I did not keep strict standards at my house regarding if something new came in, something old went out - as in I bought a new blazer, donate the blazer you rarely wear so it will go to someone who will wear it. As a result, my cabinets, closets, and drawers are stuffed to capacity. Along with thousands of Texans, I donated new clothes, gift cards, toiletries, and excess business clothes I rarely wore as well as my winter coats/jackets, and many Christmas decorations after Harvey hit in 2017. Decluttering was underway, full steam ahead.  In early 2018, my mother required more care, I worked less, did more for her and would do it all over again, but I never resumed decluttering my home. Well, now - I have 2 homes filled with stuff. I started boxing and bagging items to donate at my mother's house and then I contracted pneumonia, which messed up "my" schedule, "my plan".  I never really prayed about wha...