Good morning Lord Jesus. I pray Your Name is exalted today and not used in vain. I want my heart to be centered on You, I want my words to reflect You, to be encouraging, to be true, and to be few.
Lord of Mercy, God of Grace, hear us as we pray. You have promised when Your people, who call ourselves by Your name would set aside our pride and self-righteousness and pray, seeking You not men to solve our problems, turning from our sin, heaven will move. Sin would be forgiven. Hearts would be changed. And You will bless our land.
We confess to You our dependence on self, on the government, on anything and everything but You. We pray for forgiveness as we have ignored the plight of many who are unjustly incarcerated, who are mentally ill, who are far below the poverty line. You require us to care for the widows, the orphans, the least of these. We also ask forgiveness for __________________________________________ (name national sins the Holy Spirit lays on your heart.)
We ask You to cleanse us by the blood of Your precious Son our Savior. Please hear our prayer. Forgive our sin. Heal our land. We pray for the the glory of Your Name in the Name of Jesus. Amen