Cable Movies and the Truth

I sat outside Sunday evening and watched hummingbirds chase each other and listened to a Carolina Wren sing its heart out. I had taken my Bible outside to read Joshua 3 and 4 and a couple of random chapters in the Old Testament. I should have read more the day before. Saturday I decided to watch a movie, I flipped to a cable channel, a woman was complaining to a friend her daughter was having sex, the friend in all her worldly wisdom said she’s 18, I hope she finds her truth. (Don’t get me started – her truth, give me a break.) I flipped to a channel which airs mysteries. It had nudity; I didn’t know we had any channels with nudity. I flipped through a few more, came back to the mystery channel and a teen was narrating the scene and said they say the truth sets you free, but that is not true.(I could really get going here.)

No wonder I watch I Love Lucy and Keeping up Appearances DVD’s so often.

So many people have never heard Jesus saves, heals, and delivers. To them, He is just their favorite curse word. So many people have never heard any Scripture except for Psalm 23 at funerals. Not that we need to feed ourselves on trash TV or movies, but I think we do need to know what’s out there. If you are like me, you only know a really bad show or movie is airing because of the controversy it stirs up publicity wise, but don’t know what is really out there on a daily basis. Another thing that amazes me is how teens in so many movies and television shows counsel their parents on how to live. I have a big picture of me counseling my parents when I was 15 or 16, the counseling session would have ended with me grounded for 2 weeks.

I pray the people of the entertainment industry come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior, that they come to know He is the way, the truth, and the life, our Advocate with the Father, our Passover Lamb!

Have a blessed week, stay in the Word.


luvmy4sons said…
"I will set no viel thing before my eyes..." Used to have that verse on our TV. It is not an industry where there is much that is not vile!
Linda said…
Well said Annette. I think, too, that when there is a good wholesome movie made we really need to support it so they will make more!
Anonymous said…
I'm so tired, so tired of TV and its message. I must confess I watch very little but not because I don't enjoy it when it's good, but because there is nothing on worth watching. Truth and TV don't belong in the same sentence. Love, A

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