Siesta Fiesta

I am thinking of all my Siestas who will be in San Antonio this weekend. I have a wristband, I checked the hotel, there are still rooms, but I had a spirit check several weeks ago and will not be attending.

I will pray for you, Beth, the worship team, and Living Proof staff some during the evening Fri and the day Sat as I pray for Jack and Anna Marie Sheffield as they minister in Alpine, Texas.

The following is from Revelation 3:

"To the angel of the church in Sardis write: These are the words of him who holds the seven spirits of God and the seven stars. I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead. Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your deeds complete in the sight of my God. Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; obey it, and repent. But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you.

I do not attend the church I am a member of regularly any longer due to trouble in the denomination. If the denomination splits or elects new leadership I will return. The leader of the denomination does not believe Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, many of the bishops do not believe the Bible is divinely inspired to name a few problems. The church at Sardis reminds me of the Episcopal Church, they were legalistic, spiritual in a showy way, many of the people in Sardis were very wealthy and intellectual. The Episcopal Church has a reputation of being for the wealthy, though I am very middle class and so are most of my friends from church. The church is Sardis was concerned about appearances and not what God thought.

I pray the Episcopal Church corporately repents and returns to God, that the church sends out missionaries instead of social workers, I pray the church wakes up and strengthens what remains and is still barely alive. I pray the church begins to preach the Gospel with boldness and truth in love. I also pray for all the members who are waiting for God to give them clarity on staying or leaving. I stayed for over 3 years and knew just recently I had been released to leave.

I really pray for the Body of Christ in America and the west, we have been blessed beyond measure, I pray we are not found to be dead or dying, I pray we are fully awake living out the Gospel and not the hypocrites unbelievers believe we are.

For those packing for San Antone now who are from out of state, take hairspray! Trust me you will need it.


Angela Baylis said…
Thank you, sweet sister in Christ. If you change your mind about attending please let us know! There's one thing I know for sure. God will be there and there won't be any games... just truth! I will pray you find a better fit to worship Him! He is all that matters and you have a good heart and head on your shoulders. Don't ever change!
Much love,
Angie xoxo
luvmy4sons said…
The problem with churches is that they are full of sinners! One day we will stand as the church-the bride-spotless-the body of Christ-before Him and it will be wonderful.
Cheryl Barker said…
It's sad to see some churches stray from the truth found in God's Word, isn't it? Must be especially sad when it happens to a church you've been a part of...

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