Tuesday, August 13, 2019


Have you ever done a favor for someone that drags on and becomes time-consuming, complicated, and downright inconvenient?

If the answer is yes, what is the condition of your heart as the simple act requested by a friend or family member turns into something you did not envision?

I find myself in that situation as I type. My heart condition began with positivity, sure I can do this for you. Happy to help. Then...I noticed as I invested more time than anticipated, 1st hours then days, resentment started to creep into the picture. Now a thought passes through my mind I should have __________________________. Fill in your own blank. Yesterday I rolled my eyes as I realized I was 2 1/2 weeks into it.

So what were my motives when I said yes to the request? Were they pure or did I feel obligated to say yes for future harmony? If the answer is pure, did I think the favor should take an hour or two and then I was done with it? If I answered yes for future harmony was I resentful at the beginning and decided an hour or 2 was generous enough?

I can say at this point, repentance is required of me. The person asking the favor is not in error, I am. I am not doing the favor so I can pat myself on the back and think myself fabulous, I am assisting someone who needs it.

It is not about me, it is about loving people and being Christ's hands and feet here on Earth.

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