God is in the Details

One night this week, a loved one had a severe emotional meltdown due to Alzheimer's. For a moment, I thought I was going to be punched. There are no words to soothe a person who is in an emotional frenzy caused by this terrible disease. 

After the dust settled, my emotions were high,  I cried, thought sinful thoughts, prayed, more sinful thoughts, more prayer, watched a re-run of The Mary Tyler Moore Show and went to bed. I slept well but was tired the next morning. During prayer, I talked to God about my nasty thoughts. I want the mind of Christ, not nasty thoughts about anyone much less the people I love. One of the verses He gave me was Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

I asked for Him to give me some Scripture to cling to during this diff
icult time. He did. Last night, I went to YouTube to watch a few videos, there in recommendations tucked between ballet videos, classical music, and home tip videos was a gem by Dr. Charles Stanley on controlling our thoughts.

Our Heavenly Father knew exactly what I needed to hear. What a blessing! I e-mailed a few of my closest friends about the situation and included the link. He knows what we need before we ask, but we need to ask anyway. 

My lifelong friend Sandy (met her when I was 3 or so) sent an encouraging letter to me which included the following Scriptures:

“How gracious He will be when you cry for help!  As soon as He hears, He will answer you (Annette).”  Isaiah 30:19

“God has said, “Never will I leave you.”   Hebrews 13:5

“Jesus said, ‘Come to me, all you who are weary & burdened, & I will give you rest…I am gentle & humble in heart, & you will find rest for your souls.”  Matt. 11:28-30

“the Lord’s unfailing love surrounds you.”  Psalm 32:10

“Jesus is my hiding place, He will protect me.”  Pslam 32:7

“God is my help.”  Psalm 54:4

“I love you, O Lord my strength.”  Psalm 18:1

“The Lord will bless you.”  Psalm 116:12

“The Lord your God is with you.  He delights in you, He will quiet you with His love”  Zephaniah 3:17

“for you O Lord have helped me and comforted me.”  Psalm 86:17

Ladies, be encouraged, He knows our struggles, He is faithful, His love endures forever. This is just but a season I am in, this life is short, my real life will begin in heaven one day which is my real home.


annette said…
Praying for you as you walk this long journey home with Alzheimer's. For your peace and renewed strength this day. Hugs.
Abba's Girl said…
Thank you Annette. XOXO
Abba's Girl said…
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