The USA, God, and Elections
I don't want to start a political debate, I am not bashing anyone for voting for the candidate he or she feels is the best qualified to lead our nation, but I am saying all of this to say: I am tired of the campaign, I am tired of most candidates' rhetoric already and if I were made queen for a day, I would pass an irrevocable law which limited campaigning for the primaries to 2 months, all primaries would be held in the same month, and campaigning for the November election would begin October 1st. (Have you ever read such a run on sentence in your life?!?!?!)
As a Christian I am to live a Christ like life, I am to pray for people and issues not yell and scream about them and have a negative, judgmental attitude. Should I condone sin? No. Should I vote for people who seem to support ungodly principles? No. Should I pray for all candidates to be men and women of integrity? Yes. Should I pray all candidates know Jesus as Lord and Savior? Yes. Should I pray all candidates are filled with the wisdom of the Lord and make righteous decisions in His sight? Yes.
I pray we have godly attitudes as 2012 progresses and I pray we lift the candidates up in prayer. Lastly I pray the USA is found to be a sheep nation and not a goat nation.
I will now climb down from my soapbox.
As a Christian I am to live a Christ like life, I am to pray for people and issues not yell and scream about them and have a negative, judgmental attitude. Should I condone sin? No. Should I vote for people who seem to support ungodly principles? No. Should I pray for all candidates to be men and women of integrity? Yes. Should I pray all candidates know Jesus as Lord and Savior? Yes. Should I pray all candidates are filled with the wisdom of the Lord and make righteous decisions in His sight? Yes.
I pray we have godly attitudes as 2012 progresses and I pray we lift the candidates up in prayer. Lastly I pray the USA is found to be a sheep nation and not a goat nation.
I will now climb down from my soapbox.