The USA, God, and Elections

I don't want to start a political debate, I am not bashing anyone for voting for the candidate he or she feels is the best qualified to lead our nation, but I am saying all of this to say: I am tired of the campaign, I am tired of most candidates' rhetoric already and if I were made queen for a day, I would pass an irrevocable law which limited campaigning for the primaries to 2 months, all primaries would be held in the same month, and campaigning for the November election would begin October 1st. (Have you ever read such a run on sentence in your life?!?!?!)

As a Christian I am to live a Christ like life, I am to pray for people and issues not yell and scream about them and have a negative, judgmental attitude. Should I condone sin? No. Should I vote for people who seem to support ungodly principles? No. Should I pray for all candidates to be men and women of integrity? Yes. Should I pray all candidates know Jesus as Lord and Savior? Yes. Should I pray all candidates are filled with the wisdom of the Lord and make righteous decisions in His sight? Yes.

I pray we have godly attitudes as 2012 progresses and I pray we lift the candidates up in prayer. Lastly I pray the USA is found to be a sheep nation and not a goat nation.

I will now climb down from my soapbox.


Amen & amen! Thanks for the sound-off on this "issue." I, myself, am too tired of everything politics! I'm the most apolitical person you'll ever know so you can just imagine what all those political "gibberish" is doing to me. Oh well... Count me in all those prayers you've just mentioned. I'm with you. God bless...
T-Childs said…
Mixing politics and religion, whether in America or the Middle East or anywhere else for that matter can be a business fraught with danger. Anyone can say 'I am a good Christian' so they can get your vote, when they may be no such thing. Religion, really Christianity, is beyond and above politics, even though I believe it is possible to be a good Christian and be a politician; there is a fine line here but certainly with God nothing is impossible. Thanks for the post.
Cheryl Barker said…
"Pray" is definitley the word needed for the upcoming elections -- and for all our leaders!

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