Egypt or the Promised Land

Today's readings in the chronological year through the Bible are Lev. 22 and 23, a book which many people use to illustrate their point the Bible is no longer relevant. (You hear it all in denominational church, many say Paul was not a disciple, his stuff is no good.) Lev 22:32-33, "Don't desecrate my name. I insist on being treated with holy reverence among the People of Israel. I am God who makes you holy and brought you out of Egypt to be your God. I am God."

As New Covenant Girls, we are spiritually delivered from the bondage of Egypt. By living for God and dying to self, by repenting and confessing our sins we remain free. In the words of my friend Norma Dearing, keep your accounts short, confess and repent immediately, don't wait until later. When we forget or refuse to confess and turn away from our sins we are heading right back to Egypt. I want to live spiritually in the Promised Land not in Egypt which spiritually is a land of bondage and a desert...if you find yourself headed back to Egypt, call a friend to pray with you. Leave me a comment, I will pray for you.

2010 is my year to live out the Word, live victoriously, the chains of bondage are gone, I've been set free and as a believer so have you!

Stay in the Word!


annie's eyes said…
I cannot tell you how much I needed that reminder this week. I haven't been feeling so victorious as convicted, and that is not the New Covenant Girls way, as you so aptly put it. Egypt is not our dwelling place, however many times we find ourselves there. Love, Annette
luvmy4sons said…
It is so easy to head back to Egypt. Great post!

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