It's Windy

I went out to plant flowers and pull weeds this morning. It is so windy, I cannot stay out there much longer. I turned on the air conditioner while inside getting a drink of water. This is February in southeast Texas...77 one day 55 the next. You never know what to expect. Some Februarys are wet and cold, others warm and dry.

Thankfully we know what to expect from the Lord, here are a few things we know about Him:

He is faithful.
He loves us.
He died for our sins.
His Word is true.
He is returning.
He is the Alpha & Omega.
He is the Prince of Peace.
He is the Lord of Lords.
He is the King of Kings.

He is soooo much more. Praise our Lord today. Today is the day the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it.


luvmy4sons said…
Oh...I feel the same way about Ohio...but we never get 77 EVER! If we get above always rains! I love the way you are always turning to His Word. Blessings to you!
twinkle said…
It is the most beautiful day here in middle Georgia! This past week our lows were in the 20s but today is 72.
Chaotic weather but loving it all the same.
Posted a prayer for you on my blog. I know you're going to be fine. Just wanted you to know you are in my prayers.
Cheryl Barker said…
Annette, I'm so glad our Lord is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Also glad to read in your previous post that your fog is lifting. God is so good to grant us encouraging times!
Linda said…
He is, indeed, our everything.
The weatherman says we have a chance for rain next week. I'm praying for that!
Did you say chain saw ?!
Karen said…
snort. I think I might settle for 75 then 55. We get 52 then 14. And some silly weather man is threatening us with more snow next week. I still have some of last weeks snow. Of course, now that we've had 52 degree weather, the crocuses and tulips will be popping their heads up out of the ground. They'll look really nice with a blanket of snow.

I hope your Sunday is most blessed!

Wendy said…
Hope the wind dies down enough for you to get out in your garden. It's so relaxing to garden when the weather cooperates.

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