American Idol - Shout to the Lord 4-10-2008

As someone who has never watched American Idol, I was shocked when I came across this video. Enjoy...and while you're at it, Shout to the Lord!


luvmy4sons said…
I remember watching that show when it aired. God be praised...and if we are silenced even the rocks will cry out!
Angela Baylis said…
Oh my goodness! You know how I feel about this song! It's my favorite!
Love to you,
Angie xoxo
Anonymous said…
This is the best song to come from contemporary music. I remember where I was thet first time I heard it. I just stopped and had to hear it.It was on a cd and I wasn't even in to Christian music. I thought all Christian pop music was done by performer wannabes. This music changed my life. Amazing song of His love. Bless you this Sunday. Love, A

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