
I mentioned several reliable prophetic ministries began receiving words from the Lord in January regarding the financial problems we are facing today. Following is Cindy Jacobs' message on her website:

During a January worship service, the Lord spoke to me, ”Cindy, the strongman over America doesn’t live in Washington D.C.—the strongman lives in New York City! Call together my people to pray for the economy.”

The Lord said: ”October 29 was Black Tuesday, the day the stock market crashed, and Satan wants to do it again!”—the economy will crash without effective, fervent intercession.

Shaken to the core at this word from the Lord, I knew that I must call the people of God to converge in New York City the week of October 29 for an emergency prayer rally to cry out against economic collapse in the midst of shaking.

During the week of October 29, some of the finest apostolic prayer leaders from across the country will come together for several days of on-site prayer strikes at key locations throughout New York City, including Wall Street, the New York Stock Exchange, Mercantile Exchange, Federal Reserve, and the United Nations.

We are calling the body of believers from around the world to join us on October 31 and November 1 in Brooklyn, New York for Convergence ‘08—an emergency prayer rally for the immediate stabilization of our national and global markets.

October 31 is also Reformation Day in Germany. Mike and I were in Germany on this day in 2007, and as we stood before the Wittenberg Door, where Martin Luther tacked the Ninety-Five Thesis, we had four separate dramatic visitations. Each encounter stated it had been 490 years since the last reformation (Daniel 9) and advised that we pray for the beginning of a new reformation.

At that time, I had just finished a two-year period of writing my new book, The Reformation Manifesto (Bethany) on the subject of how to not only be a reformer, but how to reform the arts, media, family, government, education, economic systems, and other areas of society. The political parties within the United States and the United Nations currently run on a platform of reform as corruption is exposed around the world and citizens shout, ”We are tired of being used!” One leader in the U.S. said that it is a result of the addiction to O.P.M. (other people’s money) that corruption has almost destroyed our economic systems.

I am calling you to come from the ends of the earth to P.U.S.H.—Pray Until Something Happens--to shift the economy. What do I mean by “shifting the economy?” Last January, at Chuck Pierce’s Starting the Year Off Right conference, God released a prophetic word that He was going to ”shift the bull and the bear market to become a lion market” and continued, ”And I will have enough shares in this market.”

We know that we are to pray for the nations, but we have not known how to allow the Lion of Judah to run the economies of nations. He is the Creator and knows how to heal nations!

The Lord has shown me that He wants to release a corporate Joseph anointing into the body of Christ in 2009 and 2010. If one looks at the history of the 1929 stock market crash, it is clear that although many suffered, others gained great wealth because they knew what to do in difficult times. This is the manifestation of the Issacar anointing that we cry out to God for during this time of shaking. God will show us what to do.

Although the word I give is a strong, dire one, it is a merciful warning. Judgment can be averted, which allows for blessing and change in economic systems; this will eradicate systemic corruption so that systemic poverty may also be eradicated.

For the Lord says, ”I am answering your prayers and have begun the cleansing of Wall Street; exposing the wickedness and greed in high places. Pray now, and I will begin to give the leaders of the nation wisdom on how to re-vamp and reverse the debtor system currently in place. This is a course correction. If you do not pray at this time, you will miss your day of visitation and the economy will collapse, causing a ripple effect that will sweep the nations with a major tsunami wave.”
”This wave will begin to touch the ground, as even the harvests of the world will be affected. Food shortages, hyper-inflation, and other sorrows, especially affecting the poor will take place.”
”However,” the Lord says, “if my people respond and fall on their face and cry out at this time with a mighty cry, I will hear them and heal their lands.”
”Hear, o nations of the earth! Respond with weeping and travail and pray for the stock markets and economic systems. Pray for your leaders as well for the earth is in the throes of a deep shaking at this moment for the systems of the earth must be reformed.”
”Do not despair and think that I cannot heal—that I will not hear your crying to Me from My throne in heaven. My ear is carefully listening for your sound so I will reverse the curse and bring a blessing upon your lands.”

This is no time for business as usual! As in Joel 2, "it is time for the Bridegroom to come out of the chamber, and fight for the land".

Join us on October 31 – November 1 for Convergence ‘08 in Brooklyn, NY. Together, let’s P.U.S.H—Pray Until Something Happens!


luvmy4sons said…
God's ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts. It will be interesting to see how He answers the prayers of His saints for the revival of America. these economic times are certainly needing prayer coverage of all God's people.

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