If you want a copy of this prayer to print, e-mail me and I will send it as an attachment. Heavenly Father, We lift up all those involved in the Mexican Drug Cartels from the top of the organization to the lowliest position as well as all people they have bribed and have on their payroll. We lift up prison officials and guards as well as drug dealers and drug users, we know all these people are involved in something that is sin to You. We thank You Lord through Your resurrection power each one of these people will repent, and each one will be born again and baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins. We pray they are also infilled by the Holy Spirit. We ask You to call them by name and draw them into the Body of Christ. You know them by name, You love them, Your Son died for them. We pray they reverence You and walk humbly in Your sight and hate evil. We pray for their smuggling tunnels to become unusable. We pray for the kidnappings and executions in Mexic...