
It's Been a While

 I haven't blogged in years. I miss my blogging friends, Karen who left this world at Easter, Annette G, Ang. We shared our hearts, our hopes, our fears, and our love for Jesus. The world was a more civil place. Fewer keyboard warriors.  What hasn't changed over the years? Jesus! He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Place your trust in Him. Turn off the news. Take a social media break if your friends and families are driving you nuts with their opinions. After all, your opinions are probably driving them nuts too.  Open your Bible, listen to praise music, refrain from murmuring and complaining. (Practice what you preach.)

May 12, 2022

  Good morning Lord Jesus. You are my Shepherd, I want to follow You all my days. Heavenly Father, Your Word says Your sheep know Your voice and no one can snatch us from Your hand. Though I have wandered from the path You ordained from me at times, You've always been there waiting for me when I return. Your word lights my path, help me follow You -the Light and remain on the path. We ask You to provide for those in need - clothes, safe housing, food, medical care. We ask You to provide for those who need jobs. We ask You to deliver the oppressed, heal the sick, bring wholeness into broken families. Show us any broken areas in our hearts and minds. We want to be whole in Christ, living out the Gospel according to Your will. We pray for those grieving, the oppressed, the persecuted, the fearful. We pray for those being traffickked. We pray for there to be a season of peace around the world, for the ghastly violence to end. We pray for peace in Ukraine, Africa, South and Central Am

Palm Sunday 2022

  Good morning Lord Jesus. We praise the splendor of Your holiness, there is no one like You. You willingly died to save all people because Your love is limitless. Glory be to You - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Lord God, You are the God who is in heaven, You are sovereign, no one can prevail against You. Help us trust and wait in faith as You answer our prayers in Your perfect timing. We want our faith to increase daily, we want our love for You and others to increase daily, we want to know You more each day. Please help us. We lift up persecuted Christians and ask You to minister to them, please bring an end to the persecution, please set the unjustly incarcerated free. We pray for the Russian men who have been conscripted against their will and thrown into a war, we pray for the eilite Russian units who have rebelled and refuse to fight, we pray for the Russian war protestors. Their future is uncertain as they buck the system. We pray You strengthen the Ukranians who are fighting f


  Good morning Lord Jesus. I pray today I see people with Your eyes and love them with Your heart. Heavenly Father, We lift up all the Christian mission and charity operations that continue in Ukraine. We pray for the volunteers who are delivering supplies, driving people to the border, feeding the elderly and everything else they are doing to help. Please protect them, please keep their supply chains and routes open. We thank You for the supplies that have mysteriously shown up and been left at their buildings and offices. You to confound the Russian leadership on every front. We pray for the Russian people who live under Putin and his government. Most of us will never know such tyranny. Please raise up a godly leader to govern Russia, pour out Your mercy on the Russian people. We ask You to help them. We continue to pray for the Ukranian people, we ask You to sustain them, protect them, and minister to them. We pray for candidates running for office in the USA and around the world,


  Lord God, this is a day You have made. I rejoice and I am glad in it. In the quiet - You are God, in the busyness of the day - You are God, when bombs and missiles fall - You are God. We lift up the lonely, the fatigued, the grieving, and the ill to You. You know them by name, please remind them You love them. Please bring joy, peace, hope, healing, and a time of refreshing to them. Bless them this day in such a way they know the blessing is from You and is a small measure of how much You love them. We pray for the Polish people and other Europeans who are taking in refugees, please help them with every detail. Paul tells us: Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience,  bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.   And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. Holy


 Good Morning Lord Jesus, You are my Lord and Savior, I want to love people the way You do. Help me Holy Spirit. Lord God, I worship You, the eternal I AM. In a world that is always changing You never change. You are ever present and always relevant because You are always current. You are never the I Was or the I Will Be. We are confident that Your greatness and power are the same today as they were yesterday—in Creation, in the Exodus, in the Cross, in the Resurrection, in the Ascension, on the Day of Pentecost—and they will be the same at the end of time. You are I AM. How thankful we are to be safe from Your wrath and judgment, under the blood of Your Lamb, that is smeared on the doorposts of our hearts. What joy, we  can approach You in prayer, confident You will receive us. You will listen. You will answer. Because Jesus has risen from the dead! He is alive! He has ascended into Heaven! He sits at Your right hand! And He now lives to pray for Your followers even at this moment as


  Father God, Sabers rattle, Mt Etna is awake again, violent crimes are being reported around the world. Civility seems to be on the decline, but we know One sure thing - You are the Lord God Almighty, You are Sovereign and cannot be shaken from Your throne. Our foundation is built on Jesus Christ not sand, we have been declared righteous by faith, we have peace with You throught our Lord Jesus Christ. We have also obtained access through Him by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in the hope of the glory of You, Lord God. We lift up people who struggle with fear and those who are afraid of the events taking place in the world. We ask You to comfort them and remind them You are with them always. Your perfect love casts out fear. We lift up people in war zones, we ask You to physically protect them and heal any and all mental trauma caused by their situation. We pray for diplomacy to work and between Russia and Ukraine, we pray You pour our Your wisdom on the leaders