
Showing posts from September, 2016

It is October Ready or Not

I had a few goals I wanted to accomplish before Labor Day, then I extended the self-imposed deadline to September 30, and here we are...I am not finished with a massive reorganization of business files which I began mid-August, though I did sort through 600 LBS of documents some of which I shredded and some of which I had shredded. Every 5 years per a client's contract, I can destroy hard copies of their orders and the results I submit to them. It feels good to have more room in my office, less paperwork in filing cabinets. Many clients allow me to store their work digitally, but not all do. Paperwork and clutter are like the proverbial snowball, they begin to grow, almost as if multiplying when you skip a day or 2 of handling them. The next thing you know, flat surfaces are no longer visible under the clutter and paper. The job is now big, time-consuming, and tedious. When we let our time with the Lord slide for a day or two, metaphorically speaking Labor Day has come and gone...

Meddle in Someone's Business

Wednesday night I discovered my friend and Sister in Christ is suffering terrible pain in her hip caused by Bursitis. It flared up a couple of weeks ago. Doctors have brought no relief. I looked up the spiritual root of Bursitis, it is repressed resentment. So, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I let her know. She burst into tears and wrote back to me: I knew it would have to come out someway. Sometimes people and or life smack us in the face with neglect, abuse, tragedies, and trauma. She had long buried abuse and trauma. It was deeply buried; but recently began working its way to the surface. We can paste a smile on our faces and respond with everything is fine, God is good - All the time. Yes, God is good all the time, but life is not always fine, everything is not always fine. I find Christian women many times other won't admit there is anything wrong or they are the complete opposite and think and tell you everything is wrong and it normally takes several 4 to 5 hour lon...

Paul's Letter to Timothy

In Acts 9, we see a slice of Paul's life when he breathed murderous threats against the Lord's disciples. He went all the way to the high priest with them. After this, he encounters the Lord Who asks Saul why do you persecute me? His life was changed forever. He preached, he traveled, he obeyed, he wrote. We have God's message poured out through him in the Epistles. Our lives in Christ are enriched through previous generations' obedience. I hope I am always thankful for them and do not take the sacrifices they made for granted. Paul's ministry included many years and much travel. Today, he would be a frequent flyer. We know during Paul's ministry he was surrounded by people. I am willing to bet he was a people person maybe not when he lived as Saul, but definitely when he became Paul. People responded to the love of the Lord he exuded as he preached. He traveled, he worked along the way as a tentmaker. He developed relationships with people especially Timothy ...

War Room

I do not have a prayer closet in my home AKA War Room. I hope to convert a closet in my office over the next few months. Late last week, the Lord gave me inspiration for a portable War Room involving a tri-fold poster board. Where were these things in the 1970's when I was forced, I mean assigned science projects? I know the inspiration was Divine because tri-fold poster boards are not a part of my realm. I wrote out Scriptures on 5 x 7 tablet and binder paper. I wrote out name lists on sticky notes and stuck them on larger pieces of paper with Scriptures on them. I wrote names of countries and issues which need prayer on index cards. I used thumbtacks to attach everything to the board, so as I change out pages, lists, and index cards the board will not be damaged. One of the lists contains the names of school teachers, one list is names of people fighting cancer. You get the idea. When I finish praying, I fold it up and place it behind furniture. Below is a picture: Please ...

Fall Wreaths & Pumpkins

Yesterday my cousins from Ohio posted pictures of their trip to Wyoming and surrounding states on Facebook. I could tell the weather was very cool by their attire. If I had seen pictures of Texans from my area attired in jackets and hats, I would have wondered if it was that cool or was it 65 degrees F and felt cool to them because the day they left home it was 103 degrees F. Sometimes, the picture is worth 1000 words sometimes not so much. Autumn is closing in on parts of the United States. People in southeast Texas hope to see it by late November. We yearn for cool fronts, a few crisp days, air conditioners off, windows open, and low humidity. While waiting, we hang fall wreaths from our front doors, place pumpkins in the yard and around the house. We will pretend fall's arrival is imminent. It is all show, no reality. Is our Christian life all show, looking good on the outside with little reality on the inside? Are we faking it until we make it? Are we in a desert and we do...

Hate Thy Neighbor?

Due to my age, I have seen much in life concerning race relations from outright hate to true love among people. While hatred pierces my heart, it especially hurts when I see it in the Body of Christ. White brothers and sisters (in Christ) spewing horrible ungodly words about people of different races. Black brothers and sisters (in Christ) spewing ungodly words about whites and people of other colors. It seems to grow even worse if that is possible when you add politics to the mix! I am not suggesting people not vote or support a candidate of their choice (though there is no one I want to support at this moment), but when a person spends hours a day railing against a candidate on Twitter and Facebook using derogatory language, my concern grows - especially when a Christian meme proclaiming love follows the political rants. Why the concern? The profanity, time, and anger exhibited in the posts for one. Also, the mentality if you support someone other than I support then you are my e...