Grace vs Karma
Have you ever been shocked by a person's reaction to a trivial traffic incident? (Think road rage over a driver pulling out of a parking place or something equally harmless, but it delayed said driver from pulling into a parking place and the driver is livid.) Of course, it looks much worse when the offended driver who is now honking, racing down the road to pull in front the offender to slam on his/her. brakes to make a point has a bumper full of God Loves You stickers. I've never once heard anyone utter Hypocritical Jew, Hypocritical Muslim, Hypocritical Athiest! (I am certain there are hypocrites in all faiths and walks of life.) Why not extend a little grace to the offender instead of gleefully posting Karma will slap the offender and you are sorry you will not witness it? In the grand scheme of things - do you really need to lose it over something so trivial? Did it really, really, negatively impact your life? Does the Bible call us to honk, call someone names, give the...