
Showing posts from July, 2013

Who are My Neighbors?

Growing up in the Episcopal Church, I heard the following words every Sunday in a slightly different version from the Book of Common Prayer (the 1928 as well as the "new one"): Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” I knew my neighbor was everyone from the girl who sat across the aisle from me in school to the crabby, old man who lived at the end of the block. I failed at loving my neighbors frequently whether they were cousins, friends, or strangers. I dealt with whomever entered my life well or not well at all. As I matured, I noticed in some seasons of my life I was making strides loving my neighbor. Not giving myself a pat on the back here, trying to paint an honest picture of my walk with the Lord. Then low and behold, I experien...

Hot Hot Hot

A few days ago, we in southeast Texas experienced our 1st HOT weather of the season. It was over 100 to 107 for 3 days in a row with nary a cloud in the sky. (It still seems to me if the humidity is 90%, there should be a cloud in the sky.) I sought refuge in the great indoors with books, water, and air conditioning. I do not know how my Texas ancestors lived in Texas without air conditioning. This is the time of year I watch Snapdragons and Delphinium wilt as Verbena and Salvia flourish. I tend to shut down in the heat. I slack on exercise. I put off errands. I pretend I do not see the weeds thriving in the flower beds. When did I change from a summer person to a winter person? What happened to the girl who stayed outdoors fishing, sailing, and swimming as often as possible during the summer? I look at the ways I've changed over the years. I look at changes in my life due to family dynamics and the deaths of friends and family members. I look at changes in society. I've ...