
Showing posts from June, 2013

Carefree Summers

I've been ill the last 9 days with a viral, respiratory infection which led to many hours in bed unable to read or sleep due to intense coughing fits. I've had a lot of time to think; even thinking back to the carefree summers of my youth. Memories of the scent of honeysuckle and gardenias; swim lessons at the YWCA, VBS, trips to the library, asking why I had to work arithmetic problems in the summer, (The answer could be another blog post.)and playing games of Hide n Seek and Kick the Can with my friends and cousins. Summer days included activities as well as rest; adventures to the beach and quiet time with coloring books; housework with my mother and trying to stand still on a chair as she fitted clothes she sewed for me. Whenever she called me in for dinner it was too early. I might miss finding a ladybug or doodle bug with my friends. I might miss the best game of Kick the Can ever. (I've yet to find out if I missed the best game ever.) And what if my friends jumped ...