Some Days
Some days seem so long, by 10:00am you ask yourself if it is ever going to end when in reality it is not about the day ending but prayer needs of friends, family, and many times complete strangers. My husband is guardian to his 93 yr old aunt, she fell and broke her neck, the paper work is being drawn up for hospice care. A dear friend is fighting for his life; his body is rejecting stem cells from a transplant, many things are going wrong with his body. My niece's newborn son is now in NICU due to arriving early. I am not any different than anyone else. You have very real prayer needs in your own life, too. None of us are immune, but thankfully many of us have found the answer in Scripture and through redemption in Jesus Christ. Sometimes we need to take a deep breath and remember we are not to carry these burdens alone. We need to pray, sometimes we need to ask others to pray with us and for us, and many times we need to be quiet. PS 46:10 “Be still, and know that I am Go...