Funny how certain words send me into orbit, my cousin treated me to a nice dinner last week, I thanked him for it and said next time the meal is my treat. He said, "I usually don't allow women to buy me dinner even when they are related." Anyone care to guess which word got to me? I threw it in his face via Facebook posts a couple of times, he then suggested I get over it. (I'm not bitter and I am over it, but I will grab the check when the waiter/waitress brings it to the table.) On the flip side of this, why do I not spend as much energy receiving the Word of God as I spent thinking about the word A-L-L-O-W? I am working on my 1st memory verse of the year, I should work on committing it to heart and be thankful Bill treated me to dinner. I pray I remain in the Word this year and don't gloss over it...even the genealogies which I have been known to gloss over a time or 2 or 30 in my life. I pray you remain in the Word this year too. For the word of God ...