Thunder, Lightning, Rain
As I type, I hear the sound of rain falling mixed with thunder and see vivid flashes of lighting. I want to return to bed while I sip coffee but that would wake the man up about an hour early and we don't want that. Much of Texas is experiencing a drought which began in 2010 and continues today. My area has received a little rain over the last few weeks after a summer of no rain and record breaking heat. "Experts" say the drought will last for years. The Farmer's Almanac says we will have a mild, wet winter. Since 660 million trees in the greater Houston area died and more are dying, I continue to pray for rain and wonder if the Farmer's Almanac is accurate. When we skip time in the Word and or prayer, we become like a tree in a drought. Our roots are deep and will sustain us for a while, but we need time in the Word and prayer to keep us healthy and growing in the Lord. If you feel overwhelmed by the demands of the Christmas season, take a little time, brea...