
Showing posts from May, 2010

Military Taps

May 2010

What happened to May? Is it my imagination or did this month fly by at warp speed? I chose a Bible Study for the small group which meets in my home, we'll begin in a couple of weeks. Turns out Beth Moore and many Siestas will be doing the same study of Ruth by Kelly Minter. Have you chosen a summer study? If you have, please leave me a comment and tell me what it is. I am looking forward to a quick trip to the beach Friday afternoon and watching the Indianapolis 500 on Sunday. I hope to attend in person next year. Join me in feasting on Ps 19:1-3 1 The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. 2 Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. 3 There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Enjoy your week and stay in the Word!

Letting Go

I've been reading a blogging sister's journey with her husband as his condition worsens due to COPD. He is now receiving palliative care. Her words are so touching as she describes letting go. Her post from a few days ago reminds me of my last serious conversation with my father 2 weeks before he died. I think (not realizing it that day) the topic of conversation in a sense gave my father permission to leave this home for his real home in heaven and I was letting go. Americans frequently say I've learned to let _____________ go, whether it's a person or a situation. Many times however, we want to or justify holding on to something such as anger, a grudge, bitterness and or unforgiveness. When we hold on to those things, we are no longer living in spiritual freedom. Most of us learned the Lord's Prayer as youngsters and may say it in each church service we attend. Do we really think about what the words say: Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who tre...


The other day I thanked the Lord for the friends He put in my life even the friends who ultimately betrayed me. Being betrayed is no fun, but it can be a time to grow in the Lord. Jesus had big mouth friends- Peter; high maintenance friends (I think James and John might have been a little bit on the high maintenance side.); friends who listened - John & Mary; busy friends - Martha; and we all know He had at least 1 friend who betrayed Him - Judas. I went steady with a dear boy off and on through high school. His parents and sister were very dear to me. When I married he became friends with my husband and when he married my husband and I became friends with his wife. The 4 of us did a lot together over the years. He was diagnosed with 2 forms of cancer late in 1998; we were devastated. His wife had carte blanche to call any time of the day or night. I could tell something was going on with her, but I wrote it off to her husband's illness and juggling 2 young children and t...

Travis Cottrell - In Christ Alone