We're Called by Name
Jesus called us to Him by name, He loves all people and wants no one to perish. While we know that, do we know how to abide in Him and really know Him? One definition of abide is to remain stable or fixed in a state...are we remaining stable in Jesus or running around like chickens with our heads cut off? Are we fixed in Him and on Him or fixed in a state of the sky is falling? The more time we spend in His word whether alone or in a Bible study, the more we are able to remain stable in Him because we know what He promises us. We are in a covenant with Him. He will never break it. The more we abide in Him, the more like Him we become. The more like Him we become the less freaked out we are when life throws a curve ball. Life happens, no one promised us a walk through the tulips, however the Lord promised us eternal life. His word says: Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in ...